Become an FCAC Member
Farmville Community Arts Council, Inc.
252.753.3832 3723 Main Street/PO Box 305 Farmville, NC 27828
NEW! Renew/Join Online! Click HERE to become a member today!
Membership Renewal/New Members
The Farmville Community Arts Council has been an integral part of the Farmville community for over forty-six years. With your financial support, we can continue to work together in keeping the arts vital and Farmville Arts Council thriving.
City & State:_____________________________________________________ Zip ________________
Phone: ___________________________ E-Mail _____________________________________________
I’ve enclosed $ ______________ for a new or renewed annual membership for 2024:
I am pledging $ ______________ /month for an annual total of $ ________________
_____$1000 Benefactor _____ $100 Legacy _____$25 Individual
_____ $500 Supporter _____$65 Donor _____$20 Senior/Student
_____$250 Sponsor _____$40 Family
Benefits of Being A Member
Your benefits increase with each giving level, but all members can enjoy discounts to many of our events and Main Stage performances.
I am also making a donation of $ ______________ with the following designation:
_____ A gift membership for _________________________________________________________________
_____In memory/honor of ___________________________________________________________________
Please notify the recipient of my gift:
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City & State: ____________________________________________________ Zip:__________________
Please print and return with your check payable to FCAC, PO Box 305, Farmville, NC 27828
The Farmville Community Arts Council, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Memberships/donations to the FCAC are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Please consult with your tax advisor. By providing your email, you agree to receive occasional emails on our behalf. Your personal information is exclusively for the internal use of Farmville Community Arts Council, Inc. (FCAC). Your information will never be shared, sold or leased to third-party organizations, except for processing payment information by processing partners. These partners will not share, sell or lease your information. You may opt-out of our emails by calling our office. Thank you to all our members. You are the lifeblood of FCAC.
You may print out this form, complete and return via USPS mail to our PO Box 305, Farmville, NC 27828. If you prefer to pay by credit card please CLICK HERE.